Coulee Physical Therapy, LLC currently does not accept insurance.  There are several reasons for this:

  • Insurance plans restrict care to the client in many ways such that it is nearly impossible to provide adequate care.
  • In some cases, insurance may not cover the techniques the therapist recommends.  You end up paying out of pocket anyway, at an artificially higher rate if you are at a larger clinic or hospital that has high overhead.   Many insurances, including Medicare, do not currently cover dry needling.
  • insurance often limits potential gains in physical therapy by only authorizing a set number of visits, no matter the client’s progress or severity of condition.

Cash based physical therapy clinics have become popular.  They offer many benefits to clients including:

  1. DIRECT COST savings for patients as cash-based clinics charge less than half the amount that insurance would normally be billed for the same procedure
  2. MORE QUALITY THERAPY TIME – the physical therapist spends more time individually with each client and less time completing paperwork, and jumping through insurance hoops, submitting, and re-submitting the required forms.
  3. SATISFIED PATIENTS who feel better faster!  A study published in PT in Motion, January 2019, showed outcomes of patients receiving cash based physical therapy services verses the traditional insurance based ones.  The evidence strongly shows that cash based physical therapy on average costs less and requires fewer visits.