Do you feel off-balanced?

Balance exerciseDo you avoid things because you are not confident in your balance or walking? Falling frequently or feeling unsteady is a common problem. However, with physical therapy there is help.

At Coulee Physical Therapy our licensed professionals will help retrain your balance system so that you are safer on your feet.

We will take you through a computerized balance test to compare you to other people your age and find out what you need help with the most.

Each session progresses so that your balance is challenged and improving throughout the program.

Did You Know?

  • Age is a Factor – Balance is a combination of our vision, our inner ear, and our senses As we age these systems aren’t as sharp if we do not challenging them daily.
  • Injuries and Falling – 1 in 3 adults, 65+ will fall each year. 20-30% will suffer a moderate to severe injury. Some of which could be fatal.
  • Exercise Helps – Exercise and strength training can help reduce your risk for falls as well. Making sure you have a strong base is essential for reducing your risk.
  • Balance can be improved at any age!

Balance exercisesSign up Today for our 5 Session Program for $400

  • Includes an initial computerized balance test, strength and coordination assessment
  • A Home Program customized to address your deficits.
  • A final retest at the last session to track improvements

Book with Ryan