Strain -Counterstrain is a manual (hands-on) technique that is an extremely gentle and typically pain-free way to release muscle spasm, tightness, joint stiffness, and other symptoms and tension.  The therapist uses her hands to guide the patient’s body and muscles into a position of comfort, or ease, and decreases the abnormal stretch reflex that has formed because of pain or injury.

Strain-Counterstrain works by correcting this overactive stretch reflex that exists in areas of pain and tension.  Because of its abnormally overactive threshold, the muscle remains tense and “waste products” build up and create tender (or “trigger”) points.

Many conditions can be treated with this gentle technique.  Not many providers in our region are trained in and can offer this unique service.  This treatment has helped those with conditions that have failed with traditional physical therapy methods, especially those with severe chronic pain and hypersensitivity are candidates because of the gentle yet effective nature of strain-counterstrain.

Recognizing and understanding the fascia – or connective tissue between muscles and organs – and the processes that go on there,  is a relatively new thing.  Many providers still do not understand its role, or simply disregard the fascia, not giving it any validity in the role of pain.  But, the most up-to-date research indicates otherwise. If you have lingering pain, or symptoms persist after trialing other treatments, including medications and injections, or even surgery, please see Sarah for a trial of Strain-Counterstrain.